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Welcome to Ready Steady Grow Preschool

About Ready Steady Grow Preschool

Ready Steady Grow is a privately owned, family-run, independent preschool which first opened its doors at 6 Derby Avenue, Western Extension, Benoni (Opposite Benoni Junior School) in 2013 and then expanded to 24 Terrace Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale in 2022. We provide quality and loving care and age-appropriate education for children 2/3 years of age up to and including Grade R. 


We believe each child is a valuable, unique individual who will benefit from a consistent respectful, safe, loving and stimulating environment that will encourage all aspects of development.

We affirm each child's worth and seek to nurture them as individuals.

We assure you that with your co-operation and communication; it is our aim to assist you in instilling the same values and morals you hold dear at home.

If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact

Marion: 072 099 0947 Benoni


Melissa: 073 349 3594 Edenvale

Our 3- and 4-year-olds follow the ELDA curriculum and our grade RR and Grade R learners follow a theme-based CAPS curriculum. 


Our teachers are all qualified and have first aid, evacuation drills and some have fire fighting certificates. We have CCTV cameras, security with paramedics on call. 

We provide a nutritional cooked breakfast, lunch and snack daily. A large jungle gym, bike track and sports hurdles and monkey bars stimulate gross muscle development and our water table, sandpit, play dough, hoops and balls develop fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination. 


The following extra-mural activities are offered free of charge: gym, baking, science, drama, arts and crafts, gardening, and Afrikaans.

     In light of the 4th industrial revolution stimuzone laptop, computer and coding lessons will be compulsory for all Grade R learners and recommended for all other grades. This will involve a monthly fee payable directly to stimuzone. 


Our monthly fees will remain unchanged from 2021. There is also a registration fee and a utility fee which covers all workbooks, stationery, arts and crafts, toiletries, blankets, mattresses, sanitiser, baking and science supplies, sanitiser, etc. 


    We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our Ready Steady Grow family.

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Our Mission

Ready Steady Grow promotes school readiness by enhancing the social physical, intellectual, creative and emotional developmental domains of children all relating to each other and which we refer to as the “Spice of Life” through the provision of education, health, nutrition, social interaction, exercise and play.

Spice of Life

Social: refers mostly to the ability to form attachments, play with others, co-operation and sharing and being able to create lasting relationships.

Physical: development of fine (small) and gross (large) motor skills through exercise, sport and play.

Intellectual: The process of making sense of the world around them. Learning will be theme based and academically based. Experiments and Observations of the natural world to encourage curiosity (Science). Maths: Math Terms, Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry and Space and Location.

Creative: The development of special abilities creates noteworthy talents. Music, art, writing, reading and singing are some ways for creative development to take place.

Emotional: Development of self-awareness, self-confidence and coping with feelings and understanding them.

Home: Our Mission


With reference to our name Ready Steady Grow we will grow mighty Oaks from little Acorns, Squirrels collect knowledge like acorns, and our wise owls fly off to big school.

Acorns:            The little ones 2-3 years old, requiring gentle nurturing. This is the Green Class.

Oak Trees:      Our more mature 4-5 years old, whose education has taken off and is blooming. This is our orange class.

Squirrels:        Our lively, inquisitive squirrels, our grade RR class are hungry for knowledge and learn new things every day. This is our yellow class.

Owls:               Our Grade R class who will be spreading their wings and heading for big school. This is our red class.

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Our Locations



6 Derby Avenue (Opposite Benoni Junior School) | Benoni | 1501

Landline: +27 11 420 0949

Mobile: +27 72 099 0947

Email Address:


24 Terrace Road | Eastleigh

Mobile: +27 73 349 3594

Email Address:

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 06h45 - 17h00
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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Contact Us

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©2025 by Ready Steady Grow Preschool. Created by Bianca Lee

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